Fully matted training venue
Learn jumping spinning kicks
Join us at international competitions

What kit should I bring?

You can get started with next to no equipment, please just make sure you are wearing:

  • Appropriate shoes - Savate is a shoe-fighting art and safe indoor-use shoes are necessary. These can be Savate boots, boxing boots, squash shoes, martial arts shoes or other clean, non-jagged, sports footwear.
  • Clothing - anything you feel comfortable exercising in. T-shirt and tracksuit/shorts are fine.
  • Water - to ensure proper hydration, although water fountains are located nearby.

After a few classes you will also need:

  • Boxing gloves - standard boxing gloves (8, 10, 12 or 14oz, depending on your size). You can borrow our club gloves as a beginner or can purchase your own through us
  • Mouthguard- necessary for safety
  • Shin Pads - not mandatory for training,  but advisable
  • Groin Protection - not mandatory for training, but trust us, its for your own benefit!

We have a club account with Blitz; so if there is anything you'd like us to order for you, or if you need any advice on what to get just ask in class or use the contact form on this website.

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© Guildford Savate